Equity mutual funds inflows surged by 72% in January 2023 as compared to December 2022, as per the Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI) data.
At least Rs 12,546 crore was infused as against Rs 7,303 crore in the previous month of December. This registered the highest net inflow in the past four months.
As per the AMFI data, inflows through systematic investment planning (SIP) witnessed a month-on-month rise to Rs 13,856 crore in January from Rs 13,573 crore in December. The SIP inflows continued to remain above the Rs 13,000-crore mark for the fourth month in a row.
In the mutual fund categories, hybrid mutual funds highlighted an uptick with a net inflow doubling to Rs 4,492 crore in January. At the same time, multi-asset and arbitrage funds showcased net inflows of Rs 2,182 crore and Rs 2,055 crore, respectively. On the other hand, the index fund highlighted inflows of Rs 5,813 crore in January, as per the data.
On the other hand, debt-oriented mutual fund schemes registered a net outflow of Rs 10,316 crore in January as compared with Rs 21,947 crore in December 2022. Amidst the debt funds, the liquid funds’ category has clocked the highest outflow at Rs 5,042 crore, while money market funds have seen an inflow of Rs 6,460 crore.
Also, the assets under management (AUM) of the mutual fund industry and the average assets under management (AAUM) registered numbers of Rs 39,62,406 crore and Rs 40,80,311 crore, respectively.

Rajiv is an independent editorial consultant for the last decade. Prior to this, he worked as a full-time journalist associated with various prominent print media houses. In his spare time, he loves to paint on canvas.