Ways To Check Your Income Tax Refund Status
Tax Exemption

The Central Board of Direct Taxes has issued refunds worth Rs 1,73,139 crore to 1.57 crore plus taxpayers from 1 April 2020 to 11 January 2021. Corporate tax refunds worth Rs 1,15,999 crore have been distributed in 2,10,150 cases. Income tax refunds worth Rs 57,139 crore have been distributed in about 1,54,55,577 cases. 

A tax refund is usually received from the date the ITR processing is completed in less than 20 to 45 days. When there is a mismatch between the tax department’s details and a tax return filed, a refund could be delayed. Another reason for the delay could be that the bank account details given are incorrect.

You will be able to check your income tax refund status on:


The National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL) website:


– Visit the NSDL official website.

– Key in your information, such as Aadhaar, PAN, and assessment year (AY).

– Click on ‘Proceed’ once you submit your details. 

– On clicking ‘Proceed’, the status of your income tax refund will be displayed on your screen.

Also Read: What is Jhatpat Processing Scheme of the Income Tax Department?

The Income tax department’s e-filing portal:

– Log in to the income tax department’s e-filing portal.

– Choose the option ‘View returns or forms’.

– Navigate to the ‘My Account’ tab and choose ‘Income Tax Returns’ and then click on submit.

– Next, you will need to click on the acknowledgement number.

– The status of your income tax refund will then be displayed on your screen. In case your refund has been processed already by the IT department, you’ll get a message.

For any clarifications/feedback on the topic, please contact the writer at bhavana.pn@cleartax.in

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