Government to bring in a comprehensive framework for new work modes

Many companies have adopted work from home or hybrid culture to protect against COVID-19 infection. As per the information received, the government makes a comprehensive framework for work from home. 

The rules may include fixing working hours for employees, reimbursement of additional expenses incurred towards electricity and internet usage and other costs due to working from home.

As per the sources, a consultancy firm has also been roped in to help formulate a work from home policy. ‘Work from Home’ aims to safeguard employees from the COVID-19, which is a highly contagious infection. The government is talking to experts to protect the interest of the employees in the changed circumstances.

Other countries are also formulating policies regarding work from home. Recently the Parliament of Portugal has passed a law regarding ‘Work from Home’. The law restrains the companies from calling or messaging the employees beyond the working hours of the employees working out of the premises. On the other hand, if it does so, there is a fine provision on that company. Further, bosses are forbidden to use digital software to track their employees.

This year in January, the government of India had formalised work from home for the services sector through a standing order. It allowed the employers and employees to mutually decide on the work hours and other service conditions.

The government wants to bring in a comprehensive formal framework for all sectors, as per the sources. Let us tell you that there is a consensus even within the government to legalise work from home. 

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