COVID-19 Severely Impacts the Livelihood of Lower-income Groups

The COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent lockdowns have hit the livelihood of the lower-income groups the most. The extended lockdown situation has compelled labourers to relocate to their homes in villages and small towns from metro cities due to a lack of jobs. Society’s most vulnerable portion comprises poorer households, casual day labourers, and those who depend on informal employment.

Amidst the rural population, many are at the risk of losing their primary income source since they cannot sell their agricultural products; they are unable to store their produce in the right way. They are also facing difficulties in the process of churning out new products. On the flip side, poor people amidst the urban setup are entirely dependent on income derived from labour or self-employment. Due to the lack of jobs, thousands of people are moving towards impending poverty due to the economic crisis.

As per the International Labour Organisation statistics, it’s been anticipated that given the COVID-19 pandemic, 50% of the global workforce might lose their livelihoods. This is because 1.6 billion workers may be at immediate risk of losing their jobs and related income sources.

Due to the pandemic, even the well-being and mental health of people have been severely impacted. People who have tested positive for the virus feel distressed after experiencing the immediate health impacts of the virus, the dire consequences of physical isolation, and the fear of losing their loved ones.

There is no doubt the pandemic has impacted all groups of people in the society; however, the lower-income groups have been the most vulnerable in these testing times. The COVID-19 outbreak has threatened the very existence of people who survive on daily wages. Fear of testing positive for the deadly virus, lack of government’s assistance, and the fear of losing their livelihood have made their lives more vulnerable and stressful.

To curb the transmission of the deadly virus, restriction of public movement is mandatory. This can be achieved only with measures such as isolation, lockdown, and social distancing.

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